
Blessed are thoes sanctioned by the Wisp1015 views

The Ziggurat1014 views

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1010 views*disclaimer*
we are not a zionist occupied government!

<Town Cryer>Violetta: Some of the latest news! In 45 minutes to 1 Hour. Hear ye! Hear ye! Sir Geoffrey Captain of the Royal Guard will be giving a Short Speach1009 viewsSir Geoffrey: Hail brave citizens of Britannia.
Sir Geoffrey: I, Geoffrey, Captain of the Royal Guard,
Sir Geoffrey: come to thee with a matter of grave urgency.
Sir Geoffrey: An esteemed citizen, Sir Duquelle,
Sir Geoffrey: who was granted protection from the Followers of Armageddon by my liege,
Sir Geoffrey: has been kidnapped while under MY watch a few nights past,
Sir Geoffrey: and I now fear for his safety.
Sir Geoffrey: In this dark hour, I must ask for thy assistance in the recovery of Sir Duquell
Sir Geoffrey: and the capture of the wretched dogs that were involved in his abduction.
Sir Geoffrey: At this time, we know of one of their strongholds,
Sir Geoffrey: but these swine could be anywhere.
Sir Geoffrey: I will not rest until these cowardly renegades are brought to justice!
Sir Geoffrey: The weight of their crimes shall come crushing down onto their evil bodies,
Sir Geoffrey: and Justice shall prevail!


http://www.atlanticcommunityboard.com/forum/posting.php?mode=reply&t=15598&sid=503cf5ee4991dad933c31cae326548b5995 views


As in every Ultima, there is atleast one way to slay Lord British984 viewshttp://www.aschulze.net/ultima/stories9/beta.htm

The Dreaded Deathwisp972 views

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