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558 views A lesson to thee I present this fine day. When thine eyes tell thee of a truth, question fast the reality thou hast witnessed.
Mine name has been besmirched by a subtle lot with an agenda I find deplorable. Betrayed by men close, and now even closer to thee.
With these tools thou hast kindly provided me I will not wreak havoc, nor shall I bring Chaos upon thee. I am most desirous of an Order. An order borne of service and dedication to the truth I shall enlighten all of Britannia with.
     (1 votes)

541 viewsJuo'nar: YOU THERE! Listen well. I have what I came for.
Eric Of MiRC: yes
Juo'nar: The name Juo'nar will be known throughout the land.Tell your foolish masters that they're time has come!!!
Eric Of MiRC: I shall
Juo'nar: You're petty world of order means nothing to me now.!!
Eric Of MiRC: We will not stand for evil such as you
Juo'nar: I fear not your foolish words
Eric Of MiRC: I shall not attack you, I respect your strength,
Juo'nar: It would do you no good.
Eric Of MiRC: but I despise your ways.
Juo'nar: Despise me if thou wish, you will kneel before meas will all of Britannia!!! These monks were but the first to die!
Eric Of MiRC: Hmm.
Juo'nar: Your name will be numbered among the dead or the followers,there are no other choices!
Eric Of MiRC: I will be dead, never a follower.
Juo'nar: That is unfortunate. The world is preparing to move on. my order shall rule.     (1 votes)

That Dead Guys Stuff548 views     (1 votes)

542 viewsA Pirate ship sailing from Ice Island with cargo. The smell of partly frozen -rotting corpses filled the air around the ship. Sea Pirates aboard. Sailing for Trinisic. Choppy blue waters rocked the vessel as it sailed to its destination. the ship sailed past two lone fishermen who noticed the Erie vessel. Jack, The Ripper, R!P, a well known sea Pirate, skillfully brought the ship around to the Harbor In Trinisic     (1 votes)

A wisp of darkness1324 views*a painting with the name Cear at the bottom right*     (5 votes)

1010 views*disclaimer*
we are not a zionist occupied government!     (3 votes)

As in every Ultima, there is atleast one way to slay Lord British984 viewshttp://www.aschulze.net/ultima/stories9/beta.htm     (2 votes)

The Enchantress543 viewsWearing a necklass known as "Mondains Embrace."
a black gem.....possibly a stone that would grant her imortallity?
ask Cear about this...     (1 votes)